Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Black & White, Episode 7

credit thank : iurgnotmis.wordpress.com

On the outside, the ostentatious team leader Chen brought reporters to the black market for fame; on the inside, the Delightful Duo have been strapped and hung from the ceiling for humiliation (and warning).

(Must they wear black and white respectively all the time?)

The (wonderful) irony is blind to the boastful team leader, so when he sees the majestic sight of his two best agents suspended in midair, a wave of panic replaces his previous self-acclamation. (Instead of letting the two men down first,) Chen shouts for his underlings to keep the reporters out. (Is this supposed to be funny? ‘Cos I can’t stop grinning.)

When Zai Tian and Hero are finally released from their hangman position, what awaits them is the wrath of their boss. Fortunately, not all of the “evidences” are gone. Zai Tian still has the small collection of guns that he bought from his attackers.

Team leader Chen is happy to see the guns, but once he learns the method in which they are acquired (bought through illegal means), his frustration level shoots up. Through stomped feet and gridded teeth, he rebukes that this is not how the police operates — so exasperated, that he almost pulled out his hair.

Hero on the other hand, is thinking on his feet. For San Lian Hui to remove all the guns in such short notice, they need a vehicle to transport the weapons. Without explaining himself, he pulls off a 100 meter dash towards the gatekeeper’s booth for a log of the outgoing trucks. Thinking out loud, Hero reasons that if they procure all the security camera recordings for the time frame after they were knocked unconscious and trace the direction the only outgoing truck is heading, they may be able to find the weapons after all.

All these talks about security cameras have a peculiar effect on Zai Tian. He walks towards the protruding camera on the side of the booth and speaks to it directly, “Did you know, I’ve always found the person who invented security cameras fascinating. For us police to look for criminals, wives to find their husbands’ mistresses, and teachers to catch students cheating, they all rely on security cameras.” (More on this later.)

In the Investigation Room, Xi Yi finds a perfect match between the contour of the bullet from the stolen rifle and the one that terminated Ke Le’s life — the same gun was used on both occasions. So the new question is, was the sniper also affected by the economic repression that he has to seek out a new career path? — why did the killer suddenly go rob a bank?

The next day at the police station, Hulk briefs the Delightful Duo on his progress with tracking the questionable truck that may have been transporting the weapons. At the end of the brief, Zai Tian casually suggests that on the night the rifle was stolen, a computer savvy person hacked into the system. As the computer expert on staff, maybe Hulk should look into it and find out who did it. Hulk looks troubled at first, but he agrees nonetheless. (More on this later.)

Their conversation is interrupted when Lao Li drops a big pile of files on the desk. These are the files on Director Lin, who seemed to be hiding something. According to the files, she graduated first of her class from PTS (Police Training School). Once she became a detective, there is virtually no case she could not solve. Despite the immaculate record, however, there is one case that connects Director Lin back to San Lian Hui.

Du Wen Yan AKA Da Yan (or Wild Goose, taken from the last word of his name), was arrested on multiple charges related to illegal possession of arms back in 1980. Now, he is the Southern regional master for San Lian Hui.

Guess who caught him and put him in jail? Director Lin. There is more to it. Ever since Mr. Badass became famous in the criminal circle, he’s been clever enough to not get caught. So the jail term in 1980 was his first time. That makes motive.

You know what’s bad timing? This is bad timing: right when the detectives are connecting the pieces to San Lian Hui, San Lian Hui’s princess calls.

When Hero doesn’t pick up (I know how that sounds, but he didn’t purposely not pick up. He just missed that call.), she texts him instead, mumbling almost lovingly that, “You have a phone, but you never pick it up.” The text message says, “Hero, want to go watch a movie together?” Bad, BAD timing.

While in the investigation lab looking over the evidences, Xi Ying gets a call from Hulk, asking her to inform Hero of a recent discovery. Leaving the room with Zai Tian, Hero briefly tells Xi Ying that they had asked Hulk to help find out the — if you will — spy. Xi Ying reluctantly tells them to forget about pursuing that line of inquiry, because, “Someone forged my ID to enter the forensic lab and hacked into the computer system to shut down the security cameras… That person must have extensive knowledge in computers…” She rather turn a blink eye to it than let the ugly truth be revealed.

“You are suspecting Hulk?”, Hero is surprised, “I’ve known him since PTS. He’s not that kind of person.” Xi Ying retorts,

“People are never static beings. Many factors can influence a person. You need to be more cautions, because the enemy is nearer than you think. It could be anyone.”

(Why is this guy so funny?)

After n hours of intensive video watching, Hulk finally figures out where the truck loaded the guns. At midnight, the truck discreetly enters San Lian Street (Dang, they get to have a street named after their organization!? That’s influence! And wealth!). Before it enters, the three green lights on the truck are all lit up — meaning it’s overloaded. When it exits the San Lian building, only one green light is on — now it’s empty. Where else could the guns go?

Hero decides to get to the bottom of this, but getting a search warrant and getting the operation approved become a problem. Team leader Chen is right, without solid proof, tampering with San Lian Hui is equivalent to a death wish. Reasoning aside, Team Leader Chen’s laissez faire attitude towards all San Lian Hui related incidents infuriates Hero.

To rock the boat, he yells after Chen, “What are you afraid of? Do you not want to solve the cases? … If it weren’t for you who made Xi Ying leave that day, the rifle would NOT have been stolen! ” (That was inappropriate. Gutsy, but still inappropriate.)


  1. Please, don't repost my recap on your blog. Trackbacks or pinbacks are fine. I'd appreciate it if you remove them.

  2. I am so sorry about it. I forgot to put your http.
    Thanks for attention, next time I would be carefully.
